Financial planning, a framework conducive to development and progress
Financial analysis of the company
It is important to do financial analysis of the company in order to know the ratio of expenses and incomes. After this analysis, you will know what the company's money is spent on, the cost of services and goods, and identify hidden errors that reduce the efficiency of the company. You can also get suggestions for tax optimization and marketing strategy.
Financial analysis of the company
What for
How much do you really earn
Direct and indirect costs
Business break even point
Cost of services and goods
Tax optimization proposals
Company development strategy
Reducing risks
Focus on marginal and profitable products
Correction of errors and readiness of the company for verification
Financial audit is a way to assess the state and development prospects of a company. The main goal is to assess the correctness of accounting and to verify the operational security of the financial statements.
Implementation of management accounting requires automation. After its implementation, you will receive the definition of financial indicators, setting up 1C, training and presentation, optimization of financial and human resources, increasing business profitability.
Implementation of management accounting
What for
Determination of financial indicators
Setting up 1C
Training and presentation
See key financial indicators, simple and convenient
Accounting policy development is important for increasing income. After this step, you will receive an assessment of skills, engagement, you will be aware of the financial situation of the company in real time and get an optimization of the number of accounting employees.
Accounting policy development
What for
Develop an accounting policy taking into account the characteristics of the enterprise
Clearly spell out cost items and expenses
Optimize the applied chart of accounts
The financial condition of the enterprise in Real-Time
Optimization of the number of accounting employees
Financial planning facilitates all the processes related to money. Papaprint provides a template for company financial planning, revenue data, development budget and clear allocation of funds.
The business plan development should be carried out at the beginning of the company's career in order to know step by step what needs to be done and how to achieve its goals.
Business plan development
What for
Enterprise budget model
A clear forecast for the activities of the enterprise
The financial model calculation get you as results the most important indicators for your business such as: net profit, profitability, recovery period, and so on.
Assortment analysis of seasonality and marginality
The assortment analysis of seasonality and marginality offers you the identification of the products that bring the company the main profit and the products that consume it, the redistribution of the assortment matrix, the optimization of inventory balances and the availability of funds for turnover.
Assortment analysis of seasonality and marginality
What for
Definition of goods that bring the company the main profit